Thursday, January 14, 2016

The revenge of SM ugly duklings

The Untouchable SM with their sea of pretty faces. It is widely knows that their main criteria when choosing group members or artists in general is that looks are extremely important to them. But there are always exceptions.

I do not buy into the popular belief that all the people coming out of SM are gorgeous human beings. Several of them are just not all that. And there are several examples of this. However it is always nice to see girls who have been overlooked for so long being more and more appreciated by the general public.

Here are some girls who I think have overcome their ugly-duckling syndrome and have finally seen the spring in their lives :D

SNSD - Hyoyeon

Probably from the get go Hyeoeon was the most overlooked member in all of SNSD. Although possessing a charming fun personality, her looks were not noticed or as highly regarded as any of the other girls in the group. Her height wasn't the best, and if she had a cute look like Sunny's at the very least, she could have pulled in more fans. However her looks were always not so popular with Korean fans (Although she had quite a few international fans).

For a long time she was the ugly duckling of SNSD. Although she hasn't isn't the most good looking member I always liked her personality so I truly wish that her popularity would increase. This girl was funny and easy going and I always feel for the not-so-popular girl in a group (Probably my own liking for underdogs).

Fast Forward to 2013 and you can see a shift in her looks. I'm going to say that the main features that seems to have changed in her are her brows, weight and nose, Some are saying that she has had lots of plastic surgery but I disagree. I think it is mainly a different styling from hair, clothes and make-up. Her brows have become more Korean-like with the ever so popular straight/thick eyebrows.

You go girl. You keep looking better and better every year. Go get those fans and those solo pictorials :)

FX - Luna

I think the biggest jaw-dropping transformation has been that of Luna from F(x). She went from being totally rough, dark, thick looking paired with the worst hair color ever to actually really good looking.

I think her diet has impacted her new look the most. I know most people think that she has undergone plastic surgery all over her face but I think the most dramatic changes have definitely come from her drastic lost of weight. Perhaps some procedures have happened like Botox, or other injections but I don't think there is any other major procedures to her. Her legs might be a different story as like many people have mentioned, even with weight lost, its very hard to lose muscles in your legs. I guess in Korea there are shots that have become popular for leg muscles (Even Sulli was accused of using it) and if any procedures have been done on Luna, then these shots are most likely true.

Maybe I'm just not good at detecting plastic surgery, but I've always felt that when plastic surgery has been done in a lot of areas in one's face it's obvious and end up looking unnatural (Park Bom, Boram, Seo Woo). 

Her styling and choice of hair color has definitely improved as well and this has elevated her look.

I'm glad that she is gaining positive attention since the girl is talented and seems very sweet, so good going girl.

I think the good transformation brings hope to other ugly-duckling hopefuls.

Don't lose hope:


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