Sunday, October 21, 2012

Hyuna is just ughh -_-

I hate Hyuna. 

Ok, maybe hating is kind of a strong word, but I really, really dislike her.

I think she is one of the only celebrities I really don't like. Hyuna fans are always saying that if someone hates her, it's because we are jealous, and because she is sexy and hangs out with an idol we like.

First of all if that was true we would hate almost all women celebrities, because for the most part they are way better looking than the average girl.

I don't hate sexy singers or celebrities because I'm afraid they are going to steal my imaginary boyfriend. In fact some of my all time favorite Korean celebrities are on the sexy side: Hyori, Hwang Bo, Gain. But I also like cute girls: Suzy, Hyosung, Lizzy, IU. But I can't stand Hyuna. Mainly, but not exclusively, because she has one of the most annoying personalities ever.

There are too many things I dislike about Hyuna for me to list, but I'll try to put some in perspective here.

First: Her split celebrity personality
If you want to be sexy, then be sexy. If you want to act cute then by all mean do so
But why does she have to act so different on stage and in real life. I just don't understand how her personality can be so opposite from each other. I think we can see this split personality disorder she has on her BubblePop music video. First she shakes her ass while her buttceeks are eating her shorts, and rubs herself against a guy's junk...

And then tries to act all cute while she purses her lips and says things like **Miaow** (please let me go throw up)

Second: Her Whiny voice
I can't stand the sound of her voice. Even thinking about it makes me mad! It's like someone scratching a blackboard. It makes me want to beat someone up. It's seriously the most irritable voice I've ever heard. The worst part is that she probably thinks it's cute so she fakes that stupid-ass voice all the time.

(I wanted to find another video of her just talking but I'm too lazy to 
spend my time for something that will just annoy me)

Why does she have to talk like that? Makes my ears bleed everytime I hear her talk

Third: Her no-chin face 
No words needed here.............
No words needed....
No words.....

Fourth: The other members don't get a chance to promote
If I was one of her members I would hate her guts because the only reason she is getting chosen to do solos is because she open her legs up for the guys to fap.People even call her group Hyuna and her back-up dancers. I'm not a 4minute fan but, I feel bad for the other girls in the group.

Fifth: Her fans
I'm sick and tired to hear her fans moaning and bitching about how her agency is trying to sex her up. And that her sexyness is not really coming from her but from her evil managers.

Just accept that she is a whore who has put that sexy image on herself since day one. Even from when she was still a part of the Wonder Girls, she was putting forward the sexy image with her butt dance. Back then, the Wonder Girls didn't have a sexy image, so you can't say she tried to make herself be sexy for the sake of the concept given by higher ups.

(While she was in the Wonder Girls)

(During the promotions of Irony with the WG)

Sixth: Her lack of talent
She can't sing. She can't even rap. She demonstrated she can't dance (And no, spreading your legs apart and opening your mouth does not mean you can dance!!), go watch her dreadful dancing in dancing with the stars. She is not funny. She doesn't write music. She can't act, and to make it short she doesn't have anything that makes her special or likable. The only thing she has going on for her is that she doesn't lose the opportunity to stick her butt up or spread her legs apart so guys can do what they do best.


  1. Cant you rap can you dance, if you cant do those things then shut up. If you cant do those things then u have no reason to bitch about someone else.

    1. Retarded argument. This blogger is not paid to dance, rap, or sing therefore she doesn't have to know or be the best in those categories to judge other people. Hyuna IS PAID AND EMPLOYED to do these things so the blogger wants Hyuna to do these things better. Especially considering other people (even in 4Munute) don't get her level of exposure or support from their company.

    2. All these people using your retarded logic. I don't need to know carpentry to know that only three legs on three corners of a four sided table is a bad idea. I can see what is wrong and judge that and call it when I see it.

  2. You know what how can you be so judgmental, HUH?!!!
    Do you know her? like really know that you know the way she truly behave in real life. Do even something about her in her real life, HUH??? If you don't then just SHUT UP!!! Those dances of her shs does that because she needed to because its in CHOREOGRAPHY!!!!!Its planned by CHOREOGRAPHER! And why do you even care about her AEGYOs {don't understand this word?then search for it} its just the way she does it and all KPOP stars have those AEGYO/s OKAY?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And what are you saying that she has no talent? That is the greatest lie!Do you know that you was chosen to be the #1 World Idol.?that proves that she is talented, OOPS wrong wrong she is SUPER TALENTED!

    1. A delusional Hyuna fan I see.

    2. It's people like you that make me so mad. All the facts stated are TRUE. Slutty and Sexy are two different things and Hyuna picks slutty. Opening your legs and shaking an ass full of air doesn't prove you can dance or have talent because that alone along with her singing is atrocious. And although this may be judgmental (not gonna lie about that), it states FACTS. Quit bitching about this person's opinion, you could easily leave the page without ranting online.

    3. People just don't get she has to follow the choreography.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Um okayyyy. First off obviously you dont understand how kpop works. Its not like western music sis. For example Miley Cyrus can twerk and do whatever she can choose. HyunA cannot. She was in a company that told her to do sexy concepts and dances. Shes not choosing. Shes professional and in real life is more shy and cuteish. God

  3. Wells, I'm pretty sure none of us here knows her. So.. HOW DO YOU know she's not really a whore in reality? She DOES have talent. I mean she can dance at least, right? But she obviously can't sing. But then again, most Korean girl groups are really about looks and their talent in dancing and not really singing. And even if they can sing, dancing and singing at the same time won't show off much of their voice. Also, for those of you who keeps saying how people who hate Hyuna because she's sexy.. and has a nice body.. actually if you look at her picture from back then I would consider it as motivation for those who are ugly. I mean.. look at how ugly Hyuna was. Look at her now. Even if it's not plastic surgery, make up really does wonders. I'm sure a lot of people can become Hyuna if they were given the chance, opportunity, and if they were like Hyuna (opening her legs and sticking her ass out.). Anyways, I'm done.

  4. I think you're mean but I still agree with you on one point. SHE CAN'T FRIGGIN DANCE. Each time her fans defend her like "she may not be a good singer but she's an amazing dancer" I'm like "Ummmmmh... NO".She moves her body and can perfectlty remember a choreo like any kpop idol, that does not make her a better dancer. She's just your average kpop idol who decided to differentiate herself by being "sexy" although in my opinion she's being slutty.

  5. I don't think there's anything wrong with Hyuna. So what if she has a double personality as you call it? There are girls who can be sexy while being cute. I think a lot of people just don't like Hyuna because they think she's a bitch or whore or stuff like that just because of how she dances, dress, showcases her talent or whatever. idk. But honestly, she's not that bad. If you actually just watch her for a bit, you'd realize that she's not that bad. But if you really dislike then, while you're watching things that feature her, you'd probably just think of negative things.

  6. WOW...

    I mean, I don't like HyunA's music and image but I wasn't expecting this...

    It's okay to have your own opinions but geez...
    I don't find anything wrong with her voice, she talks like one of my best friends.

    But wow, I guess you really hate her. I do think that part of it is her company and maybe some from herself. I just wish that if a star of singer doesn't like something their company is making them promote they would speak up. Like when YG's CEO called CL ugly. She should have kicked his ass! The things people do for money.

    And then there are fans who say, "Well, you should read about her life before and how she has to support her family!"...I don't really care. That doesn't mean anything. You can promote yourself without all the "extra stuff". But that's not my concern from this article.

    I don't think HyunA's a bad person. A lot of kpop idols are actually expected to be sexy, I remember reading it in an article somewhere. However, I don't think she is a slut. I mean, Americans do it all the time! I am American, I see it everyday on tv and in the media. But no one says much about it, but when a Asian does it, it's like the worst thing ever. Please...

    There are some things I agree with, but you do not have to be mean. I do think it is just mostly an image. Even if I don't like it. It doesn't matter what I think.

    ~Phoenix Gene S.

  7. @Gamini-I am pretty sure Psy is not her boyfriend. He is married already.
    To the person who wrote this blog: HyunA has faced enough backlash by the media. If you don't like something or someone, its alright, but you don't go around shootin' your mouth off. It's cruel. How can you deem someone you don't know a whore?

  8. i'm not even a big fan of her or anything. did you know she has some kind of disorder where she can only eat very little because she gets full easily? (i think i saw it on a website i forget) but that's why she's so skinny? i mean come on do you really have to judge people? let them be the way they want! if she wants to be slutty let her! if she wants to shake her butt let her. if you don't like her don't fucking worry about everything she fucking does. Calling her a slut and shit won't solve anything.the sad thing is, if guys look hot in music videos like being shirtless and stuff. everything thinks its oh so hot! but when a girl does it its slutty? that's fucking messed up. i think you don't really need to say this about someone when fans see this. you really hurt a lot of fans feelings by saying this. and yes some of her fans are annoying, but that doesn't mean you have to bash on them for sticking up for her. their sticking up for the person they really like. i think she can actually sing, maybe she could dance a bit better. but she's not THAT bad of a singer.
    I'm really dissapointed in this post. you could have been more mature about this.

  9. LOL SOME of this was a LITTLE harsh, even though I don't like her. I don't hate her, I just don't like her. I don't think she is attractive, and to be honest the more she tries to be 'sexy' the more I find her un-watchable because it looks disgusting to me personally.. and that is not only with her but with other idols who try to do it(Even male idols!) It is all just overplayed to me, I think a little more with Hyuna because lately that is her style. Her fans are only trying to defend her, like any other fandom would with their idol,, but I think even if it is your agency telling you to do so, you have the right to turn it down. & if it is because of her agency it's like she's selling herself out. (My personal opinion)

    1. The thing is HyunA cant really turn them down, she signed a contract with her company and thats what she has to do.

  10. I am really worried for the future generation. I dont know if there are any people to take Hyuna as their role model. And I really hope to those who did, dont pass on to the future generation. I dont want my daughter to be horny at a very young age. Not even a mother.

    1. what you should worry about rather than your kid being "horny at a very young age" is for them to not be lazy idiots with no brain cells or dedication to success. grow up, sexuality is a universal thing. some of you people seem like middle schoolers who arent aware of what the real world is like. go look at the news. the actual news, not entertainment media bashing famous people. thats where the real problems are. for real. you all need to get out of this weird "stage" where one person being slutty becomes some kind of ww3. its not a big deal, especially because it doesnt concern you. you arent paying hyunas bills and stuff so why does it matter what she does to sustain herself?

  11. youre sad and kind of pathetic. and it has nothing to do with the fact that you have some kind of issue with hyuna.rather its with the way you suddenly decide that a LIVING BREATHING human being should "die in a hole". TBH its sad how angry you are and im sorry you have problems in your life. go fix yourself before you turn into more of a bitter person because all this anger in your post is super irrelevant considering you dont even know hyuna. lol. this is coming from someone that doesnt even willingly listen to hyuna. if you hate her...then....ignore her? thats what normal human being do. its like you pent up all your anger from your real life and let it out on someone that couldnt care less about your opinion. sooo...yea go and fix whatever anger issue you have. the amount if hate you have for someone that you only see in music videos that are probably planned down to how she breathes shows how shallow you think. grow a little and inform yourself of what its like to be treated like a undeserving slut when people dont even know you. for real.

  12. Lmfao this is one of the best laughs I've had in a while, the amount of saltyness here is unbelievable. You dislike Hyuna so much you put in time and energy to find these pics and videos to make an entire post about it, LOL. But by all means, continue to hate. At the end of the day, she's hot, you're not.


    1. babies are cutter than her

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. You're not wrong XD The blogger is saying that they "don't hate Hyuna" and then literally calls her a whore. So much for trying to appear impartial, huh? The funny thing is Hyuna already addressed the people accusing her of acting "slutty".

      Seriously, why are people so salty? The woman is doing her job and she's successful. Don't see the need to bash her for it. Dislike and avoidance is one thing, but when you literally look up pictures and spend the time to write a blog dedicated solely to why you hate a person...

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. i HATE hyuna. i don't hate idols, but she's the only exception. i don't see how she has fans. everything in this page is true. pure fact. but, i'm a male, i don't like her or feel attracted to her though. i personally think women degrade themselves by acting slutty. -_- and she IS slutty. ah, how upsetting. ^^;

  15. Oh come on. Sex sells. And she's not a bad dancer, she may not be attractive to some but she's definitely not ugly either... and though recently she sounds like a hamster a garbage truck ran over , her natural voice is fine.. her voice in "change" isn't so bad.

    There's just something about this girl that rubs me the wrong way. I don't think she behaves naturally at all. Everything seems so orchestrated. She gives me weird vibes... the same vibes I get from taylor swift and Demi Lovato.. it's a very subtle, discreet air of superiority? I commend how she's consistently sugary sweet nice to the people around her though, she probably feels exhausted at the end of every day.

    1. She's not too bad of a dancer, it's just that she does the same exact sexy moves over and over. I try to get into her music because so many people love her but she's just not that great of an idol..And it's really sad the kpop is kinda turning into the US. If you're attractive and willing to show TONS of skin and appeal slutty for male fans, then you'll be super famous! While amazing singers and dancers are pushed to the sides...

  16. she can't sing well, taeyeon snsd sings better
    can't rao, cl raps better
    can't dance well, minzy and hyoyeon dance well better

    I dislike her fans, voice, ect

    I like 4 minute be her
    i feel Gayoon shoukd be promoted too


  17. Everything you said...Perfect! I can't stand Hyuna. She has no talent and the only reason she's so famous is because of horny fans. She can't even dance, all her dances are always the same; butt shake, body waves, bouncing in a squatting position, etc. It's not talent if it's the same thing over and over. Talent is something that should be improved with time and she hasn't improved. The only thing I didn't agree with is you calling her a whore because just because she looks like a slut doesn't make her one, if you know what I mean~ She's not cute, she's not sexy, she's becoming disgusting, and she should just stop. She's beautiful, imo, cause I'm ugly as fuck but she's becoming more disgusting to me because of how she acts.

    I can't believe I'm just now finding this! I've felt like I'm the only one who sees Hyuna's style as slutty and not sexy but I guess not~!

  18. Do you really have that much time on your hands to be spreading this much hate about someone you truly don't know? Why's can't she be sexy and cute? Artists change their concepts throughout their music careers a lot so of course she's not going to choose just one. She also gets paid to act how she does in her mv's and you don't even know if it could be the director telling her to be more sexy than she would like and if not that shouldn't be your problem and cmon you call her a slut and a whore BECAUSE she does the sexy concept? That makes no sense. If you don't like her go watch someone else. Yes the sexy concept can get annoying if it's overdone and from what I've seen that does seem to be her concept most of the time so I could understand if you were annoyed or disliked her but to say she deserves to die is way out of line and you should be ashamed for writing that. She's not an evil person nor is she harming anyone with what she does. I do agree that the other 4minute girls should be shown and promoted just as much as she is but unfortunately it happens when one member may be shown more than the others. It's annoying but you shouldn't hate them for it. I don't dislike Hyuna but I'm not her biggest fan but what you wrote was just too much

  19. I think about her that she isn't bad. She is pretty, she has talent. I think that people who don't like her envy her because she is pretty. Don't judge people who is good looking.

  20. Why do y'all hate Hyuna so much?? Like??? Honestly tons of other K-Pop artists do the 'sexy' concept, and I think it sort of fits her. Is it slutty? Well that's ultimately based on bias and opinion. It's so easy to say "Oh that girl's a slut!" if she does something provocative when you don't like her*. Honestly Hyuna is a talented singer, and yes she does have some overly sexy bits (For example, one that I really didn't like was Trouble Maker's Trouble Maker.), but that doesn't dictate her ability to sing and dance and perform. I stan Hyuna and she's my ultimate bias, and I listen to her more than I watch her do all that in the MV's. She has such a beautiful voice and catchy songs. So you guys need to stop being so salty and enjoy what she puts out, or just let it be. Nobody wants this saltiness ruining their good time.

    P.S. Please go watch Crazy by 4Minute, she can really dance in thin heels she’s like a god among men.

    *And under no circumstances is it okay to call a woman a whore. It’s belittling and detrimental to a woman’s self esteem and value. All women should be treated equally and they should really stop calling each other names like this. It’s disgusting.

  21. i really respect your opinion, but like I said, it's just opinion, you think she can't dance or sing or rap, other people think she can, it's their opinion, but about being sexy and acting cute after... many idols do that, even the ones you mentioned.
    and about talking about her fans, remember that not everyone are equal, it's just a sad part of the fandom that says that, and this part every kpop group have, but even this doesn't make a difference in liking or not a group
    I, personally, don't like a very very famous kpop group, almost every kpopper like this (I won't say which group), I like much less one member that is like, the most famous and the only one with a solo career apart the rest of the group I think, but it's okay, I won't criticize her because I know the things her fans says about her and it's not necessary to criticize, it doesn't matter to me, she still being famous and I stil being me, she doesn't interfere in my life

  22. You really nailed this post! I cannot agree with you more.

  23. It makes me laugh how you're calling her a whore 😂😂 I'm pretty sure she's not a prostitute! You are the rudest person I have ever met! How would you like it if people say what you have said about HyunA to you. You need to learn some manners and have respect. She has probably accomplished more than you have. Oh and that split personality thing... it's called having a sexy concept. Since you are supposedly a kpop fan you know they have concepts and what their image is suppose to be like right?? You're a disgrace!! 😂

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I also agree with you. I don't really get why she became that successful... But I think it's a unnecessary to call her a whore.
    Anyway, now 4minute split up and - what a surprise!!! - Hyuna was the only one renewing her contract.

  25. I think she's cute and looks so inesent.


  27. Wow this page is super intense! I like Hyuna, but I understand why people find her annoying. High pitched voice, overstated talent, sexual behaviour ect. She is kinda overrated to be honest. What I like about her is her stage presence, personality, some of her songs and admittedly I like her rapping voice even though it's not for everyone. I won't lie I also think she's hot haha. She has improved over the years also and she seems more natural in recent times, something I noticed was her previous "stiff" sorta feel (same with 4Minute in general). I also have a tricky relationship with 4Minute, I like their songs and they seem like cool people, just not as talented as other girl groups that were popular around the same time like snsd or 2ne1. To sum it up, I like hyuna but understand why others don't, but the arguments above are kinda scary. At the end of the day, who actually cares?

  28. Im a hyuna fan i think her music is
    Very catchy but i am not delusional ,To me hyuna does have A LOT of faults and im not going to defend them. Im also not gonna defend Cube Ent. Cause i do belive that it is aslo their fault for making her so over confident by treating her like a star child and i feel as though she thinks that she doesn't need to improve because of that when she does.And Im gonna be real she does KINDA act like a hoe

  29. Goodness I couldn't even read through your entire post. You state you don't hate her but start calling her a whore and saying she's only good at spreading her legs. PuhLEASE. I largely dislike Hyuna as well and for many of the same factors as you (Her voice, her personality) but giiiiirl, why you gotta go call another girl a whore? That's just freaking low. We're supposed to build each other up, not tear each other down. Smfh. And hey, despite my dislike towards her I will however say she does have some good songs.

    Honestly I think your dislike for Hyuna is very agreeable but it seems you're more bitter about her fans lol. Seems like they're increasing your hate for her

  30. Honestly, I don't know why I haven't seen this before. Go ahead, jump on the Hyuna hate train. She is more successful than you will ever be honey. And calling a girl a whore is straight up disrespectful. If someone called you mom that, you'd be ready to whoop some you know what. Hyuna lives away from her parents she doesn't fucking live on the internet so how can she truly defend herself??? Are you telling me that if she acts sexy on stage, she needs to act sexy in real life??? Lmaoo the shade, I swear. I'll tell you right now, it's called the sexy concept. I REPEAT, A FLIPPING CONCEPT. I swear, she gets hate from everywhere, I literally see people calling her a snake on instagram. IF YOU HATE HER SO MUCH, GO WATCH SOME CUTESY TWICE OR RED VELVET VIDEOS. OR EVEN ONE OF YOU DISBANDED GIRL GROUP VIDEOS. Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean you hate them. Of course, I understand, everyone can have their own opinion but here's a little fact: 4MINUTE DISBANDED NOT BECAUSE OF HYUNA, BUT BECAUSE OF THE LACK OF SUPPORT FROM THEIR FANS. NO ON SUPPORTED 2YOON, NO ONE REALLY SHOWED UP TO SUPPORT SOHYUN AND HER SOLO. IT WAS NOT HYUNA'S FAULT. HYUNA WAS ALWAYS THE FACE OF THE GROUP, AND SO WA SOHYUN. GET IT STRAIGHT HONEY I WILL FUCKING RANT ALL NIGHT IF I HAVE TO. YOU HAVE LACK OF RESPECT FOR FEMALES. THIS HELLA PISSES ME OFF. I'LL BE THE FIRST TO TELL YOU, PEOPLE LIKE IU GET A BAD REP FOR BEING MEAN ASF IRL. AS FOR PEOPLE WHO USE THE SEXY CONCEPT,THEY ARE HELLA NICE IRL.

    1. Okay what seriously thats really not good to say to anyone why are yall so salty about this. Fans Will defend their idols so maybe you should shut up and listen to what they are saying. If you dislike her please comment in a polite manner.

  31. All I have to say is Tht I see a bunch of immature IDIOTS arguing over a person they don't even know personally.So SHUT THE FUCK UP and stop hating on people you don't even know. Agreed. She has some flaws. But who doesn't?? So you absolutely CANNOT say Tht EVERYTHING about her is negative. The world isnt black and white. You cannot just categorise her into whores I mean, if a guy took of his shirt or something, I don't think you or people would even mind or make a big deal about it. But if a female idol does something like it, it becomes breaking news. And people hate her for that. And I think this is what I like about hyuna, that she is bold enough to do what she does. If you want to argue more about this, go on. It will only prove how big of an immature Idiot you are. This is my point of view, and that is yours.

    1. Stfu cause I will kill you stupid bitch, motherfucker

    2. Hey show some maturity she was just stating her opinion politely unlike you

  32. Well..I don't like Hyuna but um...I already feel bad for her, reading all these comments...I mean if you don't like her just don't listen to her music, don't attack her personality on social media or swear at her. remember that she's a human being too.and more important, she has fans here, don't disrespect them by trash talking their idol, u can say ur opinion politely ^^


    I agree 10000%. She has all these dances where she's making out with guys, and shaking her butt (which btw is barely there) It's disgusting. People think she's cute and all, but I don't see it. She definitely did take up all of the spotlight. I'm honestly tired of her fans trying to back her up saying it's her managers and all. She chooses to be slutty, not her managers! Don't even get me started about Triple H. Yes, 365 Fresh was a bop, but the mv just made me facepalm so much. It just proved how much of a slut she really is. If I were a guy, I wouldn't be attracted to her. Again, this is just my opinion which I have a right to state. It's sad how someone can get famous from shaking and showing off their body so much.

  34. Tumbled upon this website when searching the song hate, i find her voice unique tho.
    But seems like in korea they made striptease legal on concerts. Which i find shocking for Korea (came there when i was youg, i find that the people are very respectful)

  35. ok, am i the only one mad that the two innocent and talented rookie idols hui and edawn are working with her? Like, stop! Have you seen the way hyuna is acting in their new MV 365 fresh? shes a S.L.U.T , STop touching My bAby DawN

    1. E'Dawn doesn't know you exist, and he and Hyuna are idols in the same group, working together. Learn what being professional means.

    2. Dude he's grown ass man. He is allowed to date who he wants and he's very happy with her so calm down. you about e'dawn very but you need to realize were YOUR is as a fan. You not his or a older/younger sister. Nor is he a child getting manipulated by a older women which is what you are making it sound. If you chose to unstan then by all means do so.The thing is as a fan you support his decision unless they are TRULY wrong not something petty like hes dating a artist you don't like. I mean to spread no hate towards you. Have a good day.

    3. sorry for the grammatical errors.

  36. I feel so bad because Edawn is dating her. She is such bad influence on him I truly dislike this situation and I have a bad feeling about it.

    1. Why do you act as if you know him personally? He is a grown man not a child!! They both can date whoever they want and it's not anyone else's say.

  37. That's right, i mean she said that triple h concept it's different, but why the theme is the same of the mv of troublemaker?
    Now she is dating Dawn and thats okay but for me she is only use him, she broke up whit the dude of troublemaker and exactly some month after she start going out whit edawn? I mean tf???

    For me she is only use boys when she broke up with him she probably going to make a sub unit with Guanlin.
    She is just ridiculous tbh

    (Sorry for my bad english)

  38. I agree 10000000000% on this. Everything you stated was honestly true. Every single music video, there she is being a whore. She's not being confident as everyone likes to say, she's using her sluttiness for attention. It's honestly the most disgusting thing ever. Like in Babe, the lyrics are practically her being stupid and wondering why she's so popular. Like open your eyes! And I'm surprised she's been with E'Dawn for so long. But I wouldn't be surprised if she was just using him for Triple H. To my opinion, she's honestly disgusting.

  39. There really needs to be an anti Hyuna Instagram page. One of my friends used to be really good friends with her. I have so much dirt on her lolol

    1. You must really have no life if you want to waste your time hating on someone that doesn't even know you exist. I guess saltiness really is an incredible driving force.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. first of there not saying she can't do the things she wants to. Get. Your. Facts. Straight.

  42. I mean I have really have nothing against hyuna really but the person never said she can't do those things. And that's why i said get your facts straight.

  43. Just ignore her. Don't give much importance to her or her fans. Just because you people are discussing about her, she is not going to change. People can change only when they want to change.
    I actually feel pity for living her life in this way. She can be rich even as a dignified woman.
    She is going to regret these things in her old age.
    I don't watch any sexy dances from girl groups. BTS and EXO are my only energy chargers. I can call only boy group as dancers. All girl group dances are like watching elementary kids in the name of cute or 18+ movies in the name of sexy. Till now girl groups never showed me a real dance with hard steps

  44. So salty...The amount of nonsense in this post is hilarious. Y’all just hateful because her concept is sexy. It doesn’t matter what she wears. Her talent is being a good performer. Idols all around do the same “slutty” moves she does, yet she gets hate for being confident in her image as a sexy performer. And please, performers being different from how they act on stage isn’t anything happens all the time...a great example would be Michael Jackson.

    1. Meanwhile male idols be taking off their shirts and showing their bare abs to the camera and the audience, and they're praised for it. These people just can't stand the idea of a woman that's confident in her own skin that they had to make a post about how "slutty" she is (all while claiming, "I don't hate her", what a joke).

  45. I mean guys HyunA does have a sexy concept, shes not being a "whore" for doing what her company wants her to do. She also has whats called professionalism. Not a spilt personality. Like lets say you are in a play and you sing and dance on stage really confidently but in real life your shy and u know because those are your passions u are professional. HyunA is just professional and uses her looks to her advantage because CUBE told her to. She doesnt get to choose her concept. And also its a double standard. Bts and Exo do hip movements in their dances, lift their shirts up and sis have u heard Eve by Exo. And what shes being "slutty" for attention? Do u remember shes a kpop idol? Shes supposed to get attention for her music, rapping and dancing and of course she will get attenion for her sexy dances. You have to remember they dont get to choose.

    Plus its not her fault people liked her in 4Minute. She didnt ask for it. I honestly wished people payed more attention to the rest of the group too but that's what it was. And what would HyunA use guys for? To get more attention to make more money for morr views? All of the above are stupid. U think she got herself kicked out of CUBE after working with them for 11 years just for attention and thats shes only using Edawn? And now they are happy together only for attention? If it was for attention the company would know and Edawn wouldnt be out of Pentagon.

    Again please remember she isnt just choosing to be a "whore". In kpop they are micro managed by their companies. They have diets, exercise, wear certain things, act and do dances for whatever way the company deems is good. Its not like in the western music where if Selena Gomez wanted to act like that she could. Plus shes a kpop idol have u seen the worse kpop videos if u think she should be a porn star? Stellar Vibrato? Brown Eyed Girls- Abracadabra? There are a lot of sexy girl groups who act like HyunA in dancing wise and so using your logic they are all whores, only want attention, are choosing to do that, and are only doing all that because they are untalented? And dont forget they should all be porn stars because they do sexy concepts they cant control. Steller was forced to do their concept. Jessi, Hyolyn etc they are actually worse than her. Do your research instead of just calling her a whore

  46. Um she has no control over her concepts so she cant really do what she wants to do. Now she can since shes out of Cube but like really she couldn't do whatever


  48. Your right. And her voice is sooo annoying, she sound like a squirrel. I feel like she’s trying to hard to be big.
