Friday, November 2, 2012

The tipping issue in America

 Okay, this is going to be for once a pretty short post and to the point

For the past couple of weeks I've been reading several 'articles' from Yahoo about tipping

First of all, let me set straight my opinion about tipping

It's not fucking mandatory

Is it??

I honestly have no idea, but if tipping is mandatory in the U.S. Then we really have to take a step back and realize we are in a fucking crisis for God's sake and should not be inventing excuses to give money away.

Although, I've never worked as a waitress, I have several friends who have and from their testimonies, it is a hard job.

But so what? You think I like dealing with smart-ass 10 year-olds all the time, or having to deal with angry parents who need to discipline their kids once in a while?

No, we all work our asses off just to make it through college. That's life.

But I never get a tip for any of it. I simply collect my check every two weeks. Waiters and waitresses do the same thing. They collect their money for what they worked for. It's not like they work for free and their only income is the tips they collect.

I mean, if you are a rich dude who wants to give a 20 dollar tip for a 30 dollar meal, then by all mean go for it. But America, you have to stop trying to make everyone feel like they have to leave a tip everytime they go out.

Tips are fucking retardation at its best. And the people who are always whining about it need to get it through their thick heads of theirs that we all work just as hard as them and rarely anyone in any other industry recieve any tips for their labor. So why in the hell should you feel entitled to always get a tip, huh?

And with that I'm going to make myself some food and make sure I tip myself really well because I'm an awesome waitress for myself ;)

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