Thursday, January 28, 2016

KoreaBoos. Korea’s lovers. Wannabe Koreans.

There are many names one can give to this phenomenon
koreaboos, korealovers, oppa gangman style, nerds, koreancrazed, other weeaboo. 
But  "rose by any other name would smell as sweet" and whatever you want to call it, one thing is for sure Koreaboos are on the rise.

If you’ve been following the Korean entertainment industry, it’s 99% likely you’ve come across some of these specimens. So...

What is a Koreaboo and what's wrong with being one?

Koreaboo – Someone with usually very high and delusional images/perceptions of Korea. They tend to
  • Be really involved in K-Pop, K-dramas, K-Varieties, pretty much K-everything!!
  • Have very little social interactions in the real world. No friends that they can actually high five :/
  • Idolize Korea and anything to do with it (ohhh Koreans don’t poop, they release rose petals when they go to the toilet)
  • Be very immature and usually in their teen years (Not always, but in most cases)
  • Deny they are Korea’s boos (Me? No, I’m not Koreaboo oppa-ya)
  • Say in more than one instance they wish they were Korean (Why can’t I be in Korean and stalk oppa in peace?)
  • Always make excuses to argue that Korea and Koreans are better than other countries/places  J (Even their own! This is what makes them more detestable to me -_- have some love for your country you little shits)
  • Want to move to Korea and marry oppa/unnie/ ANY Korean!! (Ohh my dream is to be in Korea, marry a Korean, and have Korean babies, and of course go to the toilet and release rose petals as a true Korean would) ;)
  • Hate on their own countries/people because compared to Korea, they are total low-class and not cute at all compared to all the Koreans who happen to be perfect.

So now that you’ve been able to identify a Koreaboo let’s go into the next question

What leads to someone to become a Koreaboo?

  •  First of all there can be many and unique reasons for this to happen. Many have to do with the fact that many of koreaboos are still kids (<18). So it should come as no surprise that they are easily impressed, and can over-generalize any new trend they discover on the Internet. Age definitely plays a factor on becoming a Koreaboo from what I’ve seen before. After all, tween and teen year are a very susceptible and impressible age to be in.I’m pretty sure there are adults in the Koreaboos bandwagon (If you are one, what are you doing with your life?!), but most of them are just immature kids who still need to grow up and get out a little more.
  • Second, a lot of these kids are socially lacking meaning that they might be more of the introvert/nerdy/lonely type. That is why when they find a new sub-culture, they become so attached to it. This can be seen with many other subcultures such anime lovers, star-wars nerds, etc. I find it that a lot of these people burying their entire lives into a fandom are people with very few/zero real-life friends that can take them out of their trance. This is why when they find a ‘new world’ online, they completely immerse in it.
  • Third, they have had a hard time immersing in the society that they are in. Even if they have friends, they feel like they don’t fit in, or feel a constant uncomfortable feeling inside regarding their social skills. Most Koreaboos have no life outside the internet and live very secluded lives. Perhaps they go to school, and say hi to some people, but most of their free time is spent in their room alone with their computers as their only friend. Koreaboos tend to spend all their weekends in their rooms watching Korean dramas, variety, MV’s etc. Dreaming away to the day they are finally found by their fav K-Pop star

Again, factors vary person to person, but after days of research and years of reading koreaboos testimonials and of course my own brief experience as a koreaboo I can tell you that most of these are at least partially correct.

So are you a koreaboo? If you are, what are the reasons that made you one? Let’s gather some data here for future generations ;)

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Secret’s Best face Ranking

Secret is a group which could/should have done much better than it actually did. In the start they were head to head with SISTAR in the top up-and-coming groups, but not long after SISTAR rose while Secret not only did they got stuck but they fell hard on the list of top girl groups.

They were never the better looking group compared to groups such as Kara, nor the most talented (Like SPICA), and there wasn't one member that stood out much. However, they still had their shinning moments and for a brief instances it seemed like they would be alright.

Oh well, life works in mysterious ways, hopefully they do better once they go solo (As you can see I've lost hope that they will achieve much as a group at this stage)

Look at them looking so innocent and new

But I still enjoyed their songs back in the day, and thought the girls were cute and hard working, so for memories sake I will create my list of who I think is/was the most beautiful face of the group.

Starting with:


4th Place  

Hana / Zinger
(Little worse looking Song Ji Eun)

Why? – I feel bad that so many netizens called her the ugliest girl-group member since like ever :/ but I guess she wasn’t the best looking in the group if we are being honest and shallow here. She does look better now after all the surgery, however the procedures are very apparent and that takes away from her beauty.

Natural (At least natural-looking) is still preferred.


3rd Place 

Ji Eun 
(Little worse looking Hyoseon)

Why? She looked really similar to Zinger and Hyoseong when I first got into this group. But her face proportions are on the softer side compared to Zinger. However she is definitely more average looking compared to Hyoseong.
She is still alright, just nothing special face-wise.

Girl can pose though and she is cute, though I've never been a fan of the hair color she mostly had during Secret's promotions. I think reddish dark brown is her best hair days.

You cute though so third place goes to you (Yay) ;)


2nd  Place 

(Big boobs gurlll)

Why? Although her surgeries recently have been a true unfortunate shame, I still think she is the one Secret member with the cutest face/smile. And I’m a girl but I gotta admit her chest is definitely sexy and very alluring. She is probably my original Bagel girl I truly liked and who I could see as a natural beauty. Too bad that she wasn’t satisfied and started messing with her face (which was just fine to begin with), but she still my favorite girl in the group.

I originally put her as the first place but when I started looking for pics to post of her & Sunhwa and it made me realize that Sunhwa is better looking than her and way more photogenic so yeah I had to change my ranking at the last minute. :/

But hey, I'm a professional ;] and I can adjust to sudden changes.


1st Place 

(Pretty Thumb face)

Why? – She is pretty. Her skin looks good, she had good body proportions and she is overall good looking. She is better from afar than Hyoseong but her face has definitely had work done, and her chin and jaw situation are definitely distracting. It always looks like her lower lip is hanging loose. One thing though she is the most unique looking in the entire group and that to me is always going to be bonus points.

As mentioned above and although I still prefer Hyoseong overall look, once can't deny that Sunhwa is the more proportionate and overall better looking most photogenic one of the bunch.

I still think she kinda looks like a thumb =_= but a pretty (Just manicured) thumb ;) and a thumb that won first place in terms of face beauty in the entire group.

Well that was unexpected but I like that I'm woman enough to admit that I could be wrong (But just a lil bit) and I can change my mind under a minute (Wait, is that good or bad?).

I feel like I just pulled a Steve Harvey at the end.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

The revenge of SM ugly duklings

The Untouchable SM with their sea of pretty faces. It is widely knows that their main criteria when choosing group members or artists in general is that looks are extremely important to them. But there are always exceptions.

I do not buy into the popular belief that all the people coming out of SM are gorgeous human beings. Several of them are just not all that. And there are several examples of this. However it is always nice to see girls who have been overlooked for so long being more and more appreciated by the general public.

Here are some girls who I think have overcome their ugly-duckling syndrome and have finally seen the spring in their lives :D

SNSD - Hyoyeon

Probably from the get go Hyeoeon was the most overlooked member in all of SNSD. Although possessing a charming fun personality, her looks were not noticed or as highly regarded as any of the other girls in the group. Her height wasn't the best, and if she had a cute look like Sunny's at the very least, she could have pulled in more fans. However her looks were always not so popular with Korean fans (Although she had quite a few international fans).

For a long time she was the ugly duckling of SNSD. Although she hasn't isn't the most good looking member I always liked her personality so I truly wish that her popularity would increase. This girl was funny and easy going and I always feel for the not-so-popular girl in a group (Probably my own liking for underdogs).

Fast Forward to 2013 and you can see a shift in her looks. I'm going to say that the main features that seems to have changed in her are her brows, weight and nose, Some are saying that she has had lots of plastic surgery but I disagree. I think it is mainly a different styling from hair, clothes and make-up. Her brows have become more Korean-like with the ever so popular straight/thick eyebrows.

You go girl. You keep looking better and better every year. Go get those fans and those solo pictorials :)

FX - Luna

I think the biggest jaw-dropping transformation has been that of Luna from F(x). She went from being totally rough, dark, thick looking paired with the worst hair color ever to actually really good looking.

I think her diet has impacted her new look the most. I know most people think that she has undergone plastic surgery all over her face but I think the most dramatic changes have definitely come from her drastic lost of weight. Perhaps some procedures have happened like Botox, or other injections but I don't think there is any other major procedures to her. Her legs might be a different story as like many people have mentioned, even with weight lost, its very hard to lose muscles in your legs. I guess in Korea there are shots that have become popular for leg muscles (Even Sulli was accused of using it) and if any procedures have been done on Luna, then these shots are most likely true.

Maybe I'm just not good at detecting plastic surgery, but I've always felt that when plastic surgery has been done in a lot of areas in one's face it's obvious and end up looking unnatural (Park Bom, Boram, Seo Woo). 

Her styling and choice of hair color has definitely improved as well and this has elevated her look.

I'm glad that she is gaining positive attention since the girl is talented and seems very sweet, so good going girl.

I think the good transformation brings hope to other ugly-duckling hopefuls.

Don't lose hope:


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Big Bang’s Best face Ranking

Oh one of my favorite boy bands. They have achieved legendary status by now.
I started like them for 2 things their music and baby-faced G-dragon :*

With this piece of information, I think one can say I am biased in this list.
Hopefully you don't already know who is in first place ;)

So without further ado let's get started.

5st  Place 

(Ugly Duckling)

 Why? Oh poor soul. He is not the most good-looking face
even when compared to the average guy walking on the street.

So when you take into consideration
that he is in one of the most iconic boy groups in K-Pop,
one cannot help but wonder How?

He is talented and funny,
so my best guess can only be that
this is what pulled him ahead of the other 
hopeful trainees in YG.

Good job!! ;)

4th  Place 

(Awkward Maknae)

Why? He a’right. He is not ugly nor handsome.
He is not the sexiest or the cutest.
But he definitely has his good days and looks ok within the group.

He is neither this or that, and in all honesty I don’t care for his personality all that much.
But hey at least he looks better than Daesung (Sorry man).

3rd Place

(Short Sexy Beast)

Why? He is the sexy beast of Big Bang. There I said it. He is sexayyyy. 
From his eyes to his voice, and his muscles
(Not too buff but defined enough to make me want to grab him and rip his shirt off
whooo, Is it getting hot in here or what? :D

The thing that brings him down in term of looks is his height
(Which unfortunately isn’t fixable)
and his very questionable styling choices 
(google Taeyang airport fashion).

Boy sure is hot though so number 3 it is.

2nd Place  

(Sexy voice Giraffe)

Why? Oh Top. I just think he has the cutest face. He just makes me want to hug him.
Plus his raspy voice and awesome rapping makes me weak in the knees.

He is a very charismatic member and the mystery around
his image is quite alluring if I say so myself.

Number 2 to you dearest TOP.

Surprise Surprise :)

1st Place is

(Baby-faced Leader)

Why? The leader, the fashion diva, the song-writer.
Everything about G-Dragon screams number 1.
He is unique, cute, charismatic, irresistible.

He is just the undeniable winner of this whole ranking.
G-dragon’s face goes good with anything. 
Clothes, hairdos, haircolors. Granted some are not as good as others
but he still pulls them off way better than almost anyone else I can think of.

Thanks for giving me so many nights filled with dreams about you.
(In those dreams I'm always the main girl in all your music videos, yay :D)