Thursday, October 22, 2015

RED VELVET Best Face Ranking

Now this is a group I'm really excited to write about.

It's been a long time since a new group has made me this enthusiastic.

Having debuted only last year, Red Velvet already promised to be
one of the best debuts of the year.

And besides all the obvious reasons such as the awesome songs, choreographies, MV's, and overall concepts they've presented us with, we can't overlook the fact all their members are
simply gorgeous. 

Now, I am far from being a hardcore fan of theirs But I have to admit they are one of the few groups with no ugly members. All of them could be the face of their own group (If they had debuted in different groups) and they are all super talented.

Now of course this is my personal opinion, and given the circumstances of this group, I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people with slightly different tastes who will be completely opposed to my list, but hey it is my blog and I write what I want.

Now without further ado, let's start with:

5th Place 


Why? As I said this is gonna be a hard list to create because 
all 5 girls are gorgeous
and of course Seul-gi is too. 
She is in last place ONLY because I find her really similar to Wendy. 
In the beginning, it actually took me about several looks to differentiate them 
based on pics and videos. 

Wendy is a bit softer looking which is the only reason 
she was a bit ahead on the list than Seul-gi :/

4th place

(Prettier Gollum)

Why? Same reason as for Seulgi, 
She was given one of the last places just because although gorgeous, 
she doesn't have a new look to her. 

But this girl sure can sing
and I really love seeing her passion 
for it whenever 
they are singing live.

3rd Place


Why? She is cute. Perhaps not the most beautiful in the group 
but has certainly the maknae card playing on her favor. 
She has all the cute face expressions 
one can expect from young girls debuting nowadays 
in K-Pop and she is pretty :) 

So third Place seems only fair

2nd Place

(SM Loyal Princess)

Why? She is one of the prettiest girls 
I've seen recently in K-Pop. 
She has a classic beauty. 
And she seems to have always been like that,
 except for maybe minor improvements 
(cough cough Double Eyelids **cough cough**)

But either way she is beautiful and looks very natural 
and not at all almost ten years older 
than little Yer-rim

1st Place

Park Joy
(Moon face)

Why? That face. 
She was the one who gave me give RV 
a second look from the get go. 
She has a pretty round innocent face, 
her smile is contagious and her skin seems to belong in a fairy tale 
(Like Snow White *_*) 

I was doubting if I should put her first 
because she seems to still not have completely grown out 
of her chubby cheeks, 
and her body could use a little tiny shrinking 
(Nothing major! Don't go batshit on me !! :o) 
But i think she is the most naturally 
beautiful and different in the group!! 

Congrats Joy :D Grow up to be 
even more beautiful than you are now <3

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