Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Blacks and Asians couples: Do they exist?!

So.......I used to live in a very small Californian town so pretty much everything I ever saw was white people and some Mexicans (We are in Cali after all).

Here in College though I have friends from all over the world and I actually love it

I'm taking a introduction to Sociology class. We are focusing on American identity. One thing led to another and we began to talk about interacial couples here in America.

How they're perceived by others, what groups are more open to it. We all gave our point of view on the matter and some shared their experiences.

BUT I did notice that one of the couples that didn't even get touched on was

Blasian couples

Like I said before I come from a small town with very few minorities in it so it is no surprise I never saw such a couple.

Here in college though one of my very good friends is African American and my bestfriend/roomate is an exchange student from Taiwan. 

So I naturally ask them both (separately) if they knew of any Black/Asian couple. My friend 'S' from Taiwan told me she had never seen one but maybe it was because she had only been in the U.S. for two yrs. But my African American friend 'M' said she knew of one Filipino/Black couple from when she used to live in Florida.

But yup, so far I haven't really seen a Blasian couple myself.

I became more intrigued by this lack of connection between these two groups and so I went to the place we all go to get out questions answered..Google

I found a shitload of stuff on the matter. Some were old and some were fairly recent. Some were actual articles, but the most juicy stuff I found was in forums where actual people who belong to either one of those groups shared their ideas.

I knew that if it is hard to find a Blasian couple in LA then to find one in the rest of the country would be almost impossible.

The real articles I found were pretty standard. They focused on the history if immigration from both groups, blah blah blah. How in modern times both groups tend to stick to their own ethnic groups blah blah blah.

The most interesting graph I found was one of the most to least likely interracial couple you can find in the good old USA. The two most likely couples were Asian women/White men Latina women/White men Black men/White women. And then the least likely couple to encounter is 
Black women/Asian men. No wonder I haven't seen one Blasian couple as of today

Now the forums is where all the confrontation anger and frustration could be felt.

Some forums I encountered were on predominately African America/Black sites as well as forums or blogs of Asian American/Asians perspective.

Let's just say the word 'chink' and 'nigger' were being thrown around as if they were nothing.

The Asians argument:
They don't have anything in common with Blacks
Blacks tend to be criminals, sell drugs, go to jail(**sigh)
Black don't go to school
Blacks  are violent + rude + loud (**double sigh)
Blacks and Asian have history of not getting along (LA riots I guess)
Families would never accept a Black person
Asians don't like dark skin because it's not pretty
Black men have too much equipment down there and Asian women are too small for it to fit (LMFAO)
~~list goes on with more really racist and rude arguments

The Black argument:
Asians are racist
Asians are cheap and want to steal from the Black men (I'm quoting here)
Asians are nerds and stuck up
Asians love to kiss white people's ass so they try to put black people down for it
Asians have flat asses (No junk in their trunk :D)
Asians can not speak the Engrish
They can't dance (Oh hell no!)
~~Who would want to be with an Asian? that pretty much encompasses the rest of their arguments

So people were pretty much being dickheads from both sides of the fence.

Now I also found a lot of blogs in which most of the time the author was a Black girl saying with no shame they wanted an Asian man by their side. Some went even as far as to say that they didn't like Black men because they were (Insert Asian argument here).

This group of Black women who were making such revelations were 99% of the time fans of J-Pop, K-pop, Manga, Anime and so on (You can figure this out very easily by looking at their profiles)

Asians blogger that I found more open to the idea only went as far as to write 'Race shouldn't matter when dating' but none of the Asians bloggers I encountered went as far as to say 'Ugh I would totally date a Black person right now. They are so hot' Asian bloggers pretty much write they might be open to the idea if (And that seems to be a really big IF) they find the right person who happens to be Black but none of them seem willing to go out of their way to date Blacks (And I'm being nice by putting it this way)

On the other hand lots of Black people (specially women) really do seem to want to date Asians but they don't know how or are afraid of rejection.

I even found a blog written by a Korean man who writes about the Korean mind-set on things. He wrote in one of his blogs how he gets so many emails from girls asking on tips on how to date Korean men. And that most of the people who would disclose what ethnicity they belonged to were Black girls :O

So it does seem like they (Blacks, girls specially) do want to date Asians but they feel Asians don't want them :(

I don't think relations between Asian and Blacks are that rigid (at least from what I can see on campus) but they are just kind of segregated into their own little groups. I do see some Asians and Blacks being friends so I think it is only a matter of time before this couple becomes a least a little more popular. Blasian I mean...

But if you are black girl at least try to not seem and sound so desperate when you are making your love for Asian men so obvious online. Men won't take women seriously when women appear to be too easy and available. Let's keep it classy, ladies.


  1. "Black men have too much equipment down there and Asian women are too small for it to fit"

    That's some bullshit. Black guys have small ones. We Whites have the big ones.

    At any rate, black ppl need to stick with their own kind. Interracial relationships are just nasty and wrong.

    I'm not racist or anything, so don't be quick to judge.

    1. no each race have small ones and big ones stop being rasist
