Sunday, September 9, 2012

2NE1 'Best face' ranking

2NE1 is in the house

Sooo, here is another ranking

This time we're rating 2NE1 good looks

Yes, I know they are not known as the most beautiful girls in Korea. But I can still make a list about who I think is the 'better looking' face from them four.

Plus, after ranking Super junior, I needed a rest from big groups

Okay......let's get right into it

In 4th place we've got

 CL (I don't care eh eh eh eh ehh)

Why? Her eyes are not her best feature. I blame them for her not so-beautiful face. Everything else in her face is just fine. Not gorgeous but they are okay.
Her eyes though make her look really really cross-eyed. I'm not sure if she's actually a little cross-eyed, or if that's just an optical illusion because of her eyes shape, or because she kind of poses like that. The thing is she does look cross-eyed (At least to me she does).

That's why I think she looks best with sunglasses on. Her face is actually small and her lips look quite cute. CL is the fiercest in 2NE1 and she sure makes a badass leader, it's just that her face doesn't look the best. 

3rd place goes to..


Minzy (Hate you)

Why? Well, Minzy is a very strange creature in my book. She is the maknae of the group but when 2NE1 made their debut I seriously thought she was the oldest O_O
That's saying a lot. She can look young at times (Like the picture above) but she looks older than her age most of the time. She is the best dancer in the group but she tends to look a little fat. I think she is naturally thick because from what I've seen she works out more than any of the other members but her build still looks the same.

When she uses her "bad girl" face she looks kind of black too. I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me tomorrow that her great great grandfather was black. Of course, she looks more Korean but there seems to be a hint of blackness in her.

IDK maybe I'm just imagining things because she has a big butt 
and can dance >_<

2nd place goes to

  Park Bom ( It hurts :\ Appa Appa Appaaa)

Why? Park Bom looks plastic. She looks scary plastic.
If I was teaching future plastic surgeons on things to not do, I'd show them a picture of Park Bom. I don't know what the hell she has done (or not done) to her face. but she looks way way worse every time 2NE1 makes a comeback. Her face is completely frozen!!!!

She can barely even move her lips anymore. Her eyes look so swollen as if she could barely keep them open anymore and her nose keeps on shrinking. I don't care what any 2NE1 fan says, this girl has had something done to her. The illness that she claims to have wouldn't make her nose magically get smaller and smaller.

**Sigh......   But why is she is 2nd place then, you ask. 

Well, Park Bom was one of the cutest members when they first debuted. Even though her face was on the round side, she still look pretty. Her long brown hair made her look like a doll. And her long legs were and still are her best feature. She could have been in the last place on this list but because
she was so pretty once I put her on 2nd place instead. It is my own personal opinion so stuff it if you don't like it.


1st place goes to..

Sandara Park (I'm the Best)

Why? She is undeniable cute. Everyone always says she doesn't seem to age. And I have to agree on that claim. If anything, she looks even younger than when she worked in the Philippines.

I think that last part is probably because of makeup techniques. Filipinos make up techniques suck ass. Most of their celebrities look like extras from low-budget productions. So once in Korea, Dara was able to have real make-up artists make her look even more beautiful and younger than she already was. She lacks in so many aspects compared to the other three, but she is by far the cutest and most natural-looking member from 2NE1. She is the only one snatching make-up campaigns for YG.

So YG should definitely be thankful to this girl for not feeding the idea that YG doesn't pick their artists because of looks. Dara is living proof that one can be an exception to that rule.


  1. Hi, I totally agree! Though Bom is SUPER-DUPER pretty, I still lurve Dara!!! Go gal!

  2. I'm sorry but your taking this waaay too far. None of them are ugly and the reasons you gave are not very polite :/ I personally think all of them are beautiful, however I disagree about CL being in last place. So her eyes are small. Yes, she's Korean. I wouldn't be surprised if there are surgeries that were done on Bom's eyes. Just saying... :/

  3. Excuse me, but this is extremely impolite. It's like you're complementing them then dragging them down at the same time. You're carelessness appeares widely in this page. "Filipinos make up techniques suck ass."? Im sorry, but who gave you the right to say that? Does make up techniques depends on nationality? Next time you give your opinion, please have some sense of shame and decency first.

  4. I am black and i don't think it is right for you to say filipinos makeup technique suck, you probably haven't done any makeup in Philippine, we only want to know about 2ne1 beauty ranking not Filipino makeup. Point of correction cl face is beautiful.

  5. whats wrong with minzy looking black?
