Wednesday, August 22, 2012

'To the Beautiful You' first impression

I hated it -_-

I seriously couldn't stand any of the actors

There's no character that is genuinely funny and natural

I was actually afraid this was going to happen as soon as they announced this drama was going to be plagued by idols in the most part.

I feel they should have had some real actors thrown in the mix so that the entire production doesn't look so amateurish and awkward

Ok, first let me give you a background of what this drama is all about. This drama is the adaptation of the Japanese manga Hana Kimi. There has already been three versions made of this same drama. 1 made in Taiwan, and two made in Japan. The story goes as follows:

The main girl is a huge fan of a high school high jumper. This high school boy suffers from some sort of accident which makes him stop competing in this sport and it makes him all sad :(
The girl being a huge fan of him and all, decides to take matters into her own hands and try to persuade him to go back to the field and jump
What better way to do this but to go to the same school as him, right??
But oh oh oh, he goes to an all-boy school. What to do, what to do?
I know, she can disguise herself as a boy.
So she follows my advice and does just that. She registers to the school and once in she tries to get close to her idol. In the meantime all sort of silly side stories go on inside the school.
Oh, and one other important factor is that this school is home of hotties-only students who all live together inside three dorms.

So there you go a simplified version on what this drama is all about.

Now, just to let you know, the only version I've watched from beginning to end is the Japanese 2007 version. I didn't bother with the second one because it was just a repeat of the first one except it had different actors in it.

The Taiwanese version was just way too high-pitched for my liking. Everything was over the top and the bad acting made me cringe way too often. I actually did watch (or more like attempted to watch) the Taiwanese version first but I just couldn't finish it.

The Japanese version was a love-on-second-sight type of drama. I watched the first episode, and although it was much better than the Taiwanese version, I didn't watch any more episodes until I gave it one more try some months later. I actually loved Hana Kimi and I laughed on every episode.

Ok, now let's go back to the Korean version of Hana Kimi (To the beautiful you).

Let's start with the main characters

Seul Ong (The girl who pretends to be a boy) is portrayed by Sulli from Fx
      Wow, I really thought that Sully would be the prettiest of all of the main characters of Hana Kimi but apparently not. Oh well, at least she doesn't look as bad as Ella.

Sulli's acting so far is just average. The thing I can't stand about her so far is that she wears pink lipstick on her lips (WTF!) and she tries too hard to still look cute. I know I know she is a girl but she shouldn't overdo it if she wants to be taken seriously in the acting world and not just as an idol actress whose main concern while acting is to look pretty

I didn't find the rolling down the stairs on the suitcase that funny (Some are claiming they couldn't stop laughing but I'm assuming they are new to dramas or just really really young). I think that it was totally expected, as well as the underwear incident.

I do have some hope for her acting to improve. I hope the scriptwriters make her dialogues funnier and more natural. So far everything she's said seems like she is acting. 

Now moving on to the next major character 

Kang Tae Joon (the high-jump guy) is portrayed by Min Ho from Shinee
His portrayal of Kand Tae Joon so far has been more than disappointing. He is supposed to be cool, calm, slightly emo, and kind of rude to everyone. But Min Ho doesn't really portray all these emotions that well

Min Ho is the biggest fear that comes from idols acting. Kind of when Kim Hyun Joong did his acting debut through Boy over flowers, Min Ho has also proven that if an idol doesn't properly study acting, they will not measure up to having such big roles. I don't think Min Ho is doing justice to his character. The magic is in doing small gestures that show what his character is supposed to be like. His character is not the talkative type but he still should be able to show viewers what Kand Tae Joon is like. This will add more to his change of character as the episodes progress 

But I think Min Ho has not had experience and maybe,  Just  maybe he just needs to get used to acting.
It is his first main role and there is still time to see if he will be able to pull through and become an actor who can deliver. I hope he does achieve that because he sure has the eye-candy characteristics to make him into a superstar in the acting world.

Maybe I'm speaking too harshly because Hana Kimi (Japan) is one of my top favorite dramas of all time 
and I was devastated when I saw how cliché the Korean version of Boy over flowers was. 
I hope it gets better because it's always good to have more options when looking for dramas. 
I don't want to sit through 16 episodes when I don't like a drama though so I'm not sure if I'm even going to attempt to continue watching this drama :(

Monday, August 20, 2012

SM is for pretty people only?!!

SM is known in the Korean entertainment industry as the agency of 'pretty people'

According to most citizens in Korea SM contains some of the most beautiful idols and singers from all of the three major agencies......

Even people like IU who has become the favorite little sister in Korea confessed to not daring to try out for the SM auditions because she wasn't pretty enough (WTF!!)

Just look at her she is extremely pretty

 She doesn't even lose when compared to the "most beautiful face" from SM

I feel she wasn't confident enough to try out at the time since she was so young back then. And if SM had turned her down then they sure are idiots given that IU has pretty much everything to offer

Anyways let's go back to the topic at hand.....

SM's 'only beautiful'  members

But I come to bring the truth to everyone that this idea of SME only being for pretty people to be untrue when looking at the evidence I have today.

Let's look at some of the members from SM that fall short on the looks department but have still been able to debut successfully.

First we've got Shinee's Jonghyun 

(This is NOT his worst photo OK)
To be honest Jonghyun is my favorite Shinee member BUT I am not a delusional crazy fan so I can be honest for one minute here. He is not the best looking from the group. AT ALL
He is my favorite for many other reasons but it was not love at first sight. When first looking at a new group I'm sure most girls just go for the best looking one right away. Then we might change our mind on who our favorite member is based on voice, variety skills, dance skills, cute acts, etc, etc, ETC

Jonghyun might be hot at times but he looks old and his face is far from perfect (I still love him though, old-looking and all) I get why SM needed him in the group though. He might not be the best looking one BUT he does have an awesome voice (for an idol that is) and they are a singing group after all soooooooo his voice compensates for the rest 
plus he's funny.

OK, he is a good start on proving one of SM's myths wrong.

Then we have SNSD's Yuri
(NOT her worst photo EITHER
 Yuri is the male fantasy of many guys (That's what I've heard at least) and I do have to admit I  can see why. She is tall and has a woman's body with some curves and all. And her legs look meaty compared to all the other members who seem to have chopsticks hanging from their shorts.

But she is not pretty in the face department. All her sex appeal comes directly from her Body.
But she compensates for her lack of face appeal with her height and this makes her stand out in the group.
She has other appeals I'm sure (like being funny perhaps) but since I don't really watch that many shows with her on I can't really say anything about that.

Ok OK, moving on.....

Let's get to Fx Amber

I think it is obvious why Amber is on this list. She does not look like a pretty girl. 
Even if she was a guy she would be considered a hot guy or an attractive guy but not a pretty guy. She seems nice enough though don't get me wrong and I know it is SM who is pushing her to the  
tomboy look even more than what she was used to. I think SM's main reason to make her debut with Fx is that they needed more Chinese members out there to help promote their fairness with the Chinese public (See Super Junior's Hangeng scandal) since they were thinking on promoting there anyways.

I do want to see her with long hair and a more feminine look just to see how she would look like that. I'm not sure if we will ever get to see that though.....

Now let's move on to another 
SNSD's member, Hyoyeon

She is my favorite member from this over-rated group because she seems the most down to earth and genuinely funny from them all. She seems to be sincere in her actions and isn't hanged up on keeping up an image all the time. Plus she is the only one who can decently dance in the group. 

But then again we are here to discuss looks and not anything else. And sadly she loses in this aspect compared to the other girls. She is by far the least attractive from SNSD. She is short and has a very unusual face. It is obvious that she has had surgery, and her smile makes her have a scrunched face.

It is not secret that she gets the least amount of CF's or advertorials compared to the other girls and I think we all know why this is.  Still I'm glad that she was able to debut in SNSD because she does add a sense of keeping-it-real~ness to the group (My black girl voice was used here)

Let's continue with Super Junior's 
Leetuk and Ryeowook

They are definitely on my botton 3 from Super Junior when it comes to looks. I've already explained the details in another post about SJ's best face ranking So I'm, just going to leave it at that.

Like I said before, based on look these two lose, but Leetuk is quite hilarious and is climbing up really quickly on all sorts of variety shows. He probably will be the next great MC in Korea.
As to Ryeowook.........................
well, are you guys sure he isn't Lee Soo-Man's son?  XD
I'm not kidding you guys

And let's end this with Fx's Luna

 (Whenever she smiles I feel her face is going to melt)

Ok, for this part I must gather all my meanness and just let it all out. 
Luna is one of the least pretty members in all of SM. There I said it. 
She has very few physical characteristics that would land her in a girl group. She is quite short (which wouldn't really be a problem But...) she has a very bulky build and this makes her look very rough. Her extremities (arms and legs) are not quite proportional to her petite frame. She looks to me like a walking radish. I also don't understand why her stylists giver her that awful orange-blond hair. She is dark enough to almost blend with that tone of blond. Please stylists, just stop!

But God is not so unfair as to not give her anything in return. She has the best voice in the group and obviously she was picked for her real talent as opposed to her looks
Next time you see an idol that doesn't quite look like an idol, you can bet they have something that makes up for it.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Boa looks OLD!

Boa looks old

She just does. I was actually really surprised when I found out that she is just 25 this year.

The first time I started to pay her some attention was about 2 yrs ago when she was promoting 'I'll eat you up' (Rawr~ You dirty dirty girl! / I wonder if she knew what she was insinuating with that song) and back then I thought she was at least 28. And that was more than 2 years ago!!

Since she is been hosting Kpop Star with JYP and YG I assumed that she was around the same age as them (kekekeke) Ok, I'm going too far but I definitely didn't think that there was that much age difference between them and her.

She at least looks to be the same age as Hyori-shi (We must respect our elders!) but she is much much younger so that puzzles me even more as to why she looks so old.

I think there are some things that make Boa look old

The first one is that orange hair

Please Boa, tell your hairstylists to not screw you up and send you with a color that makes almost every woman on earth look washed out. 

The only way she might be able to pull it off is if she was as pale as a vampire and of course had the right features, and had a little bit of luck. 

 But she doesn't look too hot with Black hair either. It makes her skin look opaque and her whole persona seems pretty ordinary

She should stick to dark brown for her hair and not try to change her hair like the rest of the younger-looking idols

The second thing is her Smile

  I know a girl is always told that we look more beautiful when we smile 
But just let me tell you that is absolutely false. Some people do have beautiful smiles and some just don't. 
Of course a smile might make you more approachable and friendly BUT we are talking looks here. 
Unfortunately for Boa she hasn't been blessed with a beautiful smile and therefore should
 try to hide it more often. Boa, dear you must try please. 
The world is not as fun as you think it is, so no need to smile all the time ok? 
OK  moving on

Now for the  third and final aspect that makes her look old we have
 Plastic Surgery?

At the moment of me writing this post I don't know if Boa has actually gotten plastic surgery or not. But the thing is that in my eyes she definitely looks like she has. 
Where? My expert eagle eye tells me she's gotten surgery to her nose. Her actually nose doesn't give up the fact that she has had surgery but what does make me suspicious is her smile. I've noticed that when people have gotten a nose job many times their smiles suffer from it. 
They begin to look awkward and forced. 

But to give her the benefit of the doubt she might have been born with a stiff smile face (Nothing wrong with that) or maybe she in fact has had more surgery done than we might know. 
I'm not even going to Google if she has had had surgery or not because more likely even if she has, 
she'd never just come out and say it. I probably would only find posts of people saying that she has (AKA haters? that's what Boa's fans would call them) and people who would completely deny that she has (AKA delusional fans? that's what everyone else would call Boa's fans) 
sooooooo me don't want to waste me time. 

 But in the end we can only conclude that she does look old. 
Plastic or not Plastic surgery included

Super Junior 'best face' ranking


I suddenly felt like making a list on who is the best looking from Super Junior

This is totally personal and I'm not considering any other skills but 'the looks' (So don't give me lip about people being beautiful on the inside). Also I will be considering all original 13 members on this list.

Just cuz

Super Junior is definitely not my favorite group from Korea but I do recognize their other talents and also understand why some girls like them as a group.

So without further ado here they are:

13th place goes to 


Why? He looks gay. Not that I have anything against gay people but if I'm looking at a guy as a visually pleasant object then I don't want to think of him banging other guys. Plus he is too short and has a weird smile (Remember I'm just basing this list on looks not anything else, so I can be mean if I have to want to.

12th place is for


Why? He is fat. Simple as that. I still have to find a fat guy who I find hot. But that's just me. He is not in the last place though because I can detect some good looking features underneath those chubby cheeks.

 Now comes 11th place 


Why? He is kind of old-looking. I know he is old (We're comparing him to other idols of course) but he looks like he is adding on the wrinkles. I blame it on his smile. That's a powerful eye-smile he's got there. You need to keep it down there boy. 

10th place is coming our way


 Why? He has a weird body proportion. I don't know if you guys have noticed but his arms are way too short for his body. Or maybe his head is too big and that's why the rest of his body looks weird. I actually at first found him to be one of the best looking in the group (From their debut posters) but I think it was mostly the hair that was helping him. Anyway Yesung at least you are on the top 10. Yay?

9th place (WTH we're still in 9th place??!)


 Why? Sadly he does have a face that is kind of weird the more you look at it. This is one of his better pictures though so I decided to be nice and post it (Your welcome Eunhyuk) His best feature to me is his smile, even though he gets teased about it for being a gummy smile. I actually find him to look way cuter smiling than when he is putting on his killer expression

8th place (I can't think of any more side notes. Got a problem?)


  Why? He is the maknae but he doesn't really look like it. Not that he looks like the oldest either but I guess he just falls in the middle. He is not bad looking but he is not the best looking from the group either. His skin needs more care and since his nose is plastic........ I had to put him on the 8th place. (I was debating on whether to put Eunhyuk in this place but Kyuhyun is still better looking so.....)

7th place (Aigoo this is going to take forever)


 Why? He is the Chinese member so.....nah I'm just kidding. But he was good looking for a Chinese boy (Oppps.....) His face is decent and he is tall (I believe he was one of the tallest members together with Siwon) He has nice features to work with and seems pretty good looking when he smiles so there you are Chinese boy, you beat almost half of the members. You go Chinese Boy!

7th place (Why do they have to have so many members??)



 Why? He was one of my top three favorite member from SJ in the beginning but then he got fat. But still, I can't deny that he was really cute when he was still at this stage (That picture above is definitely one of my favorite of his) He might have gotten fat but I still can't disregard his good looks from those good ol' days. He sure was one fine piece of ass and therefore deserves 6th place. Clap Clap Clap
Kangin was fighting for the first place in my heart back then but after all these years Kangin seems to be fighting for the 'Fat boy title' against Shindong. 
Who will win? Don't miss next week's episode of 'The Big Fat Member'

5th place (whyyy??)


 Why? He was sure cute during his debut (Is it just me or am I seeing a trend here?) But then he dissapeared, and then appeared again only   Fat     Now, he wasn't as big as Shindong or anything but he was definitely chubbier than he had been. His cheeks have always been on the plump side but him gaining those pounds just added to the chipmunks' cheeks syndrome (This is a syndrome Park Bom and Solbi know a lot about) He then lost the weight and gained some muscles (For more info on these muscles, please refer to his latest drama) But I don't really like him with that tan and those muscles. It kind of makes him look dirty (Not the oh-you're-so-sexy dirty but the ewww-you-haven't-showered-in-a-while kind of dirty).

4th place (WHY?!!!)


Why? He has kept his cute and adorable image from the beginning and I aplaud him for that. Clap Clap. But he is still short so that's why he'll have to be happy with getting the 4th place. You are still the cutest from Super Junior ok?

3rd place (We're getting to the good part)


Why? Like Sumgmin Donghae has also kept his image intact in every sense there is. He still looks like an idol and his good looks translate well in pictures and commercials. He doesn't smile that often thought and I can see why. His side teeth tend to look a little big when he smiles wide. But that doesn't stop him from getting to this important top 3. Whohooo we're almost finished

2nd place(Almost there!!)


 Why? He is motherfucking Heechul. That's why. He has to be first or second place. I don't think there can any denying in that Heechul is cute. He kind of looks like a girl but for some weird reason I've never thought he was gay. I get this totally player vibe from him. He is the bad boy from Super Junior together with Kangin but unlike the latter, Heechul has kept his good looks in place.
His best trait is his smile. He looks 100 times better when he is smiling.
Keep on smiling Heechul. You're in second place!

1st place (Yay, we made it)


Why? That body, that face, that smile. He has everything. He is the face of the group and he will always be it. He has always been on my top list and he has kept that place all this while. His handsome features are something to be admired by everyone. His abs are totally awesome and makes girls scream from all the sexual frustration they get from seeing him show off his body. Go my beautiful butterfly. Go and keep on making all those girls crazy from seeing that hot physique of yours