Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Youtube Wars - Tati's review of the Peel-off Makeup Trend

So the other day I stopped by Youtbe and watched my fix of make-up tutorials from Tati and what is my surprise but a video from her on my subscription feed  reviewing peel off make-up, but the tittle does also mentions on the title Disaster.  So I was "Oh Oh what happened".

Now I must disclaim I am not the biggest fan of Tati's due to several facts but mainly because she has very similar looks on most of her videos. However I do like her consistency and the fact that she tries hard to be fair and truthful with her reviews.

Of course products all work differently for everyone out there. I think this is probably the most usual disclaimer youtubers give at the start of all their videos. I think it should be common sense that people will have different opinions about most topics, why would makeup be any different, right ?

It was very obvious that she did not like this item. As always she gives her reasons, and close-up shots of what the product looks like. You know, your standard review. But oh no after I scrolled down to the comments I realized that some people were taking things well too seriously. To make things short, After looking at the comments I was totally like "oh here we go again" To nobody's surprise this is an Asian product and there were so many key warriors on the comment section claiming some of the following:

  • Pifpuff you don't know what you are talking about because this product is good and you are just a white evil satan lady who doesn't know crap about make-up.

  • This is just a cheap Chinese product and not the beautiful Korean counterpart so whatever you (Tati) say is not valid.

  • How dare you say that this isn't good?!! You are just jealous that you are not able to enjoy all the much better/superior products from Asia.
  • You should review all Asian products. They are oh sooooo much more superior than any Western crap you've been trying all these years. 

  • You are using it wrong you little b****

  • Your onion doesn't matter because this other Youtuber I saw (Who happens to bend over backwards for anything Asian btw) says they work ok?!!
  • You moved your mouth damn it! How dare you move your mouth in a period of 30 minutes! Gahhd!

  • You don't like this product? We don't like youuu!! >_<

  • I have a Korean friend, and she told me she loves this product so you are a crazy-head for not following the instructions because there is no way you could have a different opinion than other people on this specific type of make-up ! :O

Well just to give my 2 cents on the overall comments,
I did not agree with the amount of aggressive comments 
or the logic behind them due to where this make-up comes from.

Some people's arguments is that they weren't upset because she made faces when the product got into her mouth / or because she threw the products away but because that is disrespectful and inconsiderate.

FYI if you have seen other of her videos she has already done that when products are just total fails (Off the top of my head she did that with a WTF review on a primer she purchased while she was moving houses). Why did no one bat an eyelash then? I'll tell you why. Because in those other videos, she is not reviewing an Asian product therefore she is not attracting the Asian boos from the Internet.

This products was a total fail in HER OPINION and the product had hints of being toxic (Which is not a crazy assumption since the price is so cheap and coming from China) and that is why she was not happy when the lip product got into her mouth and was not willing to try it again. If she will not try it again there is no point in keeping it so I don't know why her throwing away the products would be a big deal.

My other point is that people were saying that she should not say anything and keep quiet since the product that she has is not a specific brand from Korea (Berrison I believe) but a Chinese brand.
I do not see her saying anywhere on her video that she hated ALL brands of peel off makeup trend there is out there. She said she specifically did not like this brand of peel off make-up. It's like saying she did a review about ELF's new concealer, and because she did not like it people demand her to try a Maybelline one just because that one is supposed to be better. The review at that moment is specific to the ELF's concealer not about all concealers out there. Isn't that obvious ?? Gosh~

On another note I am so tired of people keeping on saying that every Asian product is oh so superior to anything made outside Asia. I must pull from my own personal experience. I have purchased a bunch of Tony Moly and Skinfood makeup products online and they were more than disappointing due to the time it took to arrive and the less than spectacularly different quality.

Since they are items being shipped from overseas it took foreverrrr to get to me. They were pricier than what they retail for in Korea so I pretty much ended up paying for something that I would have paid for over here in my local drugstore. And the products themselves - they were just like the regular eyeshadows that I have tried over here from ELF, Maybelline, etc with the difference that I couldn't return any of the ones I didn't like because well that's just not possible. Here in the US I can return anything I didn't like even if it's a cheap drugstore item. There are products that are excellent that are sold in the North America/Europe  and I'm sure there are excellent products sold in Asia. But to say that everything coming from a side of the world should be automatically good because of where it comes from it's a bunch of Balloney -___- And it really pissed me off that all these Koreaboos rushed to this video because someone dared stain in anyway any product coming from their beloved Korea/Asia.

Ughhh with all the Koreaboos. Ughhhhhh


I was sooooo glad when Tati decided to follow up and try the products again just to appease the masses. She still did not like it and did not recommend it. I was like a proud mama seeing that even though all these people were flooding her video like piranhas calling her names, insulting her and demanding that she like this product, she stood her ground, actually gave it another fair shot and voiced her thoughts on the matter once again.

I actually was conflicted on seeing her second try of these products because she rarely does that with any products she has not liked before. But I guess she felt the pressure from those viewers who would not let the matter go.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Prettiest SNSD Member AKA Best Face Ranking

The iconic Girls Generation. I must say that I truly think this is the most plain-looking group of girls I have seen debuting in a sea of idols. 

Most of them, however have greatly improved their appearance since their humble beginnings. But even if their clothes have gotten better and their hair, make-up and styling have all come into the 21st century, I still don't think that any of them are stunning or beautiful. 
 In this list I will be taking all 9 original members into account as I believe Jessica is still one of their most popular and influential members.

~So let's get this party started!!!!~

9th Place goes to


(Dark beauty baby) 

Why? My problem with Yuri isn't that she is dark, it's more with the fact that she doesn't own it. I feel like the type of makeup she always has on is trying to mimic what works for say Yoona or Taeyong. I wish she would be the "sexy" member and be put in more bronze beachy beautiful looks. I mean the girl has the body to back it up for sure. She also seems to be the least versatile when it comes to hair styles. She can only pull off the wavy long hark hair. Anything else is given to her and she can't handle it.

Her yo-yo weight throughout the years has also been a polemic issue with fans.
Yuri definitely has a hot body but when she gains a little bit of weight, her face becomes really really chubsters.

The girl isn't pretty but she is the one Hot member in this group according to muahh. 

8th Place goes to

(Eyebrows matters!)

Why? The girl has definitely gotten prettier since debut.
From hair color and styling, to her actual face transformation, Her fans keep saying that she didn't have anything done, but I think it's quite evident that she did.
I mean I'm not against plastic surgery except when it becomes excessive, and I think Hyeyeon has done just enough to make her quite pretty and natural.

Still I think a girl who keeps their natural looks is always prettier looking up-close
than a girl who has gone under the knife does. It's just one of those things that up-close is pretty hard to fool the eyes.

 But still kudos to her who managed to improve her appearance so drastically.

7th Place goes to


(The connections brat)

Why? Many Netizens call her ugly all the time. I really don't think she is ugly, but then again I don't think she is beautiful either. Cute would be her one card to play against the others. Also the fact that she has a bababoom chest. He body in general is just ehhhh (that means it's good but not all that) but her chest is probably her most talked about feature.

7th Place only seems appropriate for the queen of the cute.

6th Place goes to


(SouthEast Star)

Why? I like her. I don't care what netizens say.
She has a regal body figure and has a cute face with big eyes.
I personally like short hairstyles on her better than long ones. I think it makes her look that much more like a star.

I think a lot of people in Korea never seem to like her due to her skin-tone.
Because she is not pale like a effing sheet of paper they assume she can not be considered pretty or beautiful. Very close-minded and stupid. I know.
A girl is pretty no matter their skin tone. If they are pretty, they are pretty.

On the other side of the coin I think her biggest physical thumbs down would have to be how wide her face can appear at times. It's definitely not fat, because the girl is as thin as one can be, but it's just her really protruding cheekbones. This also makes her face look really disproportionate to her body. Giant head Sooyong.

Still she is pretty OK in my book.

5th Place goes to


(The soul-less robot)

Why? The girl is a natural beauty judging from her past pictures.
She is pretty in every sense based on Korean standards:
Has long black hair, fair(ish) skin, round eyes, small nose and mouth, and tall body.

My problem with her is the complete lack of emotion coming out of her.
Her eyes are just on one channel all the time. Which is very surprising because she was chosen for a girl group which should be for very outgoing cute girls.

I think she is pretty in the very conservative, girl next door way.
She is just not an exciting beauty to look at.

4th Place goes to


(The cold/ice traitor)

Why? Jessica, although I don't think she is naturally beautiful since obviously
she's suffered a very nice transformation throughout the years since her debut.

Jessica is definitely a chic girl. I love her fashion/style ;) and just her overall look.
But since this is a 'best-face' list I must say that although not beautiful,
she certainly has a unique look to her.

I think she pulls off blonde, orange, brown hair extremely well.
I think I usually lean for the most unique looking faces because
it helps me distinguish them easier so it's no surprise that I am more drawn by Jessica than by Seohyon or Sooyoung.

Now for the last 3 places......

3rd Place goes to


(The Plainest Korean Super Beauty)

Why? I've always thought Yoona as overrated
(If you want specific details as to why I have a whole post about it here) but although I talk a lot about her face being on the "comfortable plain" kind of pretty, I still have to put her on the top 3 when compared with all the SNSD girls here.

She has a sleek body and wears clothes well, has pretty skin, and just looks comfortable to look at and although not beautiful she is better than the other already mentioned girls. 

2nd Place goes to

(Pony's Mother)

Why? I really think think has a bad rep about being a horse face :p
But I don't think that defers from her good looks.
She has a very pleasant "handsome" face lol
and her skin is one of the best in SNSD according to me.

Her body is whatevs I guess, not my cup of tea, but overall she is an above average member in a group of less-than impressive girls.

I approve of Tiffany (Big & enthusiastic thumbs up)

1st Place goes to


(The kid leader)

Why? Definitely the cutest and prettiest of this bunch. I won't touch on her personality because who cares what's on the inside am I right ? ;)  (C'mon I kid..)
However, I have to admit that she has a very youthful face, with all the right features.

I think she pulls off all the looks that have been given to her so far and that's usually when I know a girl is really pretty and not just relying on hair styles or outfits.

Which is why she definitely deserves 1st place.

According to me of course because duh it's my blog so obviously everything here is my opinion
(For the haters who keep saying "Well that' just your opinion. No one cares..."
well what did you expect while reading someone's personal blog? To read back your own thoughts *cray cray*) Ok mini rant ovarrr ;)