Sunday, February 14, 2016

Miss A Best face Ranking

Oh the girls of Miss A
So much promise in the beginning, so many expectations
The best debut song from any Korean girl group I have ever seen. 
But it all was shortly lived as song after song after their successful debut, never lived up to the success of their first single "Bad girl Good girl". 
When it was evident that neither Min, Jia, or Fei had what it takes to at least make it into variety shows, it was evident that the group as a whole wasn't going to be the big 'it' group people had been expecting them to be.

Yet, I still created this list as Miss A is still a very popular group and some of their members are relevant AF.

So here we go~

4th place goes to (Last place :[ )

(Little minion)

Why? Sorry for being blunt but she is just too short and wide
and she is just not proportionate.
Her height wouldn't be so obvious if her face was small but mmmm if you've seen her you can tell that isn't the case. Her face is way too round like a full moon and her legs are too short and chunky.

When I first saw her in the team I thought she would at least be the really cool dancer
but Fei is wayyyy better than her at it, so I thought ok then maybe she can rap but nope that wasn't it either and she is definitely not the lead singer in the group.

I am really at a loss as to why JYP was so adamant on making her debut. 
I keep thinking that maybe it had something to do with the fact she had been a trainee for so long and felt bad.

Still, she is not ugly but when compared to soooo many other girl group members she is definitely lacking in the looks department.

So I'm sorry girl, 4th place it is.

3rd place goes to (First Guess please)

(Awkward/Talented Chinese kid)

Why? I know I know everyone is always saying she is second prettiest in Miss A,
but although she is talented and I'm sure a nice girl she isn't that interesting or beautiful. She is pretty and has a really nice body but she is just very plain looking.

Her lips for some reason bother me. They are kind of stretched out and full but not in a nice way, and the orange-blond hair color choice is not my favorite for her.
I think she looks better with darker hair.
Maybe a dark mahogany brown would suit her better.
Definitely no orange or brass color for her. 

A lot of people  say if JYP gave her the support they give Suzy, she would be as famous as her but I really doubt it. Believe me I love a tan beauty but there is not much coming from within to help her stand out. She is very awkward and whenever I see her on an interview
I feel like she would rather be anywhere but there.
It might be the language barrier but I think she is really shy and her smile makes me feel bad for her because it really feels like she is always uncomfortable.

So yeah that's why I couldn't honestly put her as second place.
I don't just go with what everyone else say ;)

2nd place place already (Lovinggggg it)

(Cool Chinese Kid)

Why? She is unique and cool but although not beautiful. Due to her unique look, I would say I'm more drawn to her than I am drawn to Min or Fei. Jia is a cool Chinese chick and her style is more up my alley than the other 3.

I think her biggest physical flaw to me is her nose. It's flat and wide and that makes for difficult beauty shots so as expected she has very few of those. Also her body type is cool for some girls because it seems like the type to fit clothes easily since she is so skinny BUT me no likey.

She is way too flat from both ends and sides. Literally an 8 year-old boy type of body.

But still can't deny she has a very awesome personal style which is cool in my book and enough to put her in a very impressive second place.

1st place (Easiest 1st place to guess)

(Queen of Queens)

Why? I mean c'mon the girl could have oily dirty hair, a booger coming out of her nose, and a huge zit on her forehead and she would still be 
one of the greatest Korean beauties of today. 

Haters say she is "plain" (WTH :O) but if she is plain then please God make me plain.
To me she will leave an iconic image after her for decades to come.
And I'm not even going to get on her personality because the girl is an angel.

But even if she was a bitch I would still have to recognize her beauty because
she is seriously a queen.

Keep slaying queen and make that dough because you are one of he few celebrities who seems completely sincere with everything she says or does in front and behind he camera.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Demi Lovato interview hits home

Every now and then I read interviews by celebrities that actually pull at some serious heartstrings inside me. In this case it was the unexpected short interview I saw on Yahoo news by teen celeb Demi Lovato.

The interview's title was focused on how the young celeb shut down her haters at one of her concerts. But the part of the interview that was more interesting to me was the fact that she subconsciously and on purpose keeps friends at bay.

Lovato admits that she sometimes unintentionally distances herself from her friends and its up to those around her like boyfriend Wilmer Valderrama to call her out on her own shenanigans.

“Wilmer is that person,” she says, adding that her BFF Marissa is another pal she can rely on.

“Sometimes I’ll isolate a little bit. I won’t reply to people’s text messages, or I’ll just distance myself from everyone unintentionally, and she’s the first one to call me out on it,” Lovato says. “It’s because I’m going through something. I’m stressed or depressed.”

I tend to do the same thing many times. I think I always feel like to a certain degree I always have to act when I'm around other people. Even people I've known some people for awhile, I still feel like I have to portray some sort of character.

I've always been a loner, so it is no surprise that I have this pressure to act more excited, or happier than how I would naturally act if I was alone. Not to say I'm fake, I just have to make myself have a little nicer, or cooler than what I actually am (haha I'm cool but not that cool it's what I mean ;])

Because of this, many times, I cancel on plans with friends at the last minute, I don't reply right away in fear I'll get coaxed into going out. Sometimes other people cancel on me, and I think 90% of the time, I've had a rush of excitement come into me. I think the only times I have actually felt annoyed/negatively affected by it, is when I was already dressed up and was actually looking forward to going out. If that's not the case, then I'm like, oh yeah a whole day of not getting out of my PJs day is here.

Even when I'm shopping, I would rather do it alone. I like watching movies or shows by myself as well.and doing random video browsing (If I feel like drawing a picture of my dog on Paint, damn it I wanna do it alone).

Of course, after a while of being by myself, it does feel nice to meet with friends and have good conversations as a group. Currently I have a boyfriend of 3 years, and he is one of the only people I can be with even when I don't wanna hang out with anyone else. And he constantly wants me around, so we spend a lot of time together; but even with him I get overwhelmed and need times when I have to be alone - to recharge myself.

I guess everyone is different, and at times I guess I wish I could just be a little more outgoing and perky by nature. But I'm not, and I can't keep on wishing to change what I can't. My suggestion to anyone having the same issue would be to just try to accept who you are. Sounds like the most cliche advise I know, but it is the only thing that will truly make you happy. It's is more important to make yourself happy after all.

So if you don't like going out as often as your friends, then just decline when you don't feel like going out, and hang out with them when you do. If they are your friends they should get it. Explain to them, that you need to have your alone moments because of the nature of your personality.
