Sunday, October 21, 2012

Hyuna is just ughh -_-

I hate Hyuna. 

Ok, maybe hating is kind of a strong word, but I really, really dislike her.

I think she is one of the only celebrities I really don't like. Hyuna fans are always saying that if someone hates her, it's because we are jealous, and because she is sexy and hangs out with an idol we like.

First of all if that was true we would hate almost all women celebrities, because for the most part they are way better looking than the average girl.

I don't hate sexy singers or celebrities because I'm afraid they are going to steal my imaginary boyfriend. In fact some of my all time favorite Korean celebrities are on the sexy side: Hyori, Hwang Bo, Gain. But I also like cute girls: Suzy, Hyosung, Lizzy, IU. But I can't stand Hyuna. Mainly, but not exclusively, because she has one of the most annoying personalities ever.

There are too many things I dislike about Hyuna for me to list, but I'll try to put some in perspective here.

First: Her split celebrity personality
If you want to be sexy, then be sexy. If you want to act cute then by all mean do so
But why does she have to act so different on stage and in real life. I just don't understand how her personality can be so opposite from each other. I think we can see this split personality disorder she has on her BubblePop music video. First she shakes her ass while her buttceeks are eating her shorts, and rubs herself against a guy's junk...

And then tries to act all cute while she purses her lips and says things like **Miaow** (please let me go throw up)

Second: Her Whiny voice
I can't stand the sound of her voice. Even thinking about it makes me mad! It's like someone scratching a blackboard. It makes me want to beat someone up. It's seriously the most irritable voice I've ever heard. The worst part is that she probably thinks it's cute so she fakes that stupid-ass voice all the time.

(I wanted to find another video of her just talking but I'm too lazy to 
spend my time for something that will just annoy me)

Why does she have to talk like that? Makes my ears bleed everytime I hear her talk

Third: Her no-chin face 
No words needed here.............
No words needed....
No words.....

Fourth: The other members don't get a chance to promote
If I was one of her members I would hate her guts because the only reason she is getting chosen to do solos is because she open her legs up for the guys to fap.People even call her group Hyuna and her back-up dancers. I'm not a 4minute fan but, I feel bad for the other girls in the group.

Fifth: Her fans
I'm sick and tired to hear her fans moaning and bitching about how her agency is trying to sex her up. And that her sexyness is not really coming from her but from her evil managers.

Just accept that she is a whore who has put that sexy image on herself since day one. Even from when she was still a part of the Wonder Girls, she was putting forward the sexy image with her butt dance. Back then, the Wonder Girls didn't have a sexy image, so you can't say she tried to make herself be sexy for the sake of the concept given by higher ups.

(While she was in the Wonder Girls)

(During the promotions of Irony with the WG)

Sixth: Her lack of talent
She can't sing. She can't even rap. She demonstrated she can't dance (And no, spreading your legs apart and opening your mouth does not mean you can dance!!), go watch her dreadful dancing in dancing with the stars. She is not funny. She doesn't write music. She can't act, and to make it short she doesn't have anything that makes her special or likable. The only thing she has going on for her is that she doesn't lose the opportunity to stick her butt up or spread her legs apart so guys can do what they do best.

Monday, October 15, 2012

What the hell happened to Strong heart?!!

(The two happy kids)

Okay, I had to make this post.

I stopped watching Strong Heart for awhile mainly because I was too busy with school, work, drama, family, friends and (add more boring stuff right here)

So since I've been having a somehow more relaxing life lately, I went back to watch some Strong Heart episodes.

But, what do I find instead?

Two soul-less crappy excuses for MCs have stationed themselves in the places where Ho-Dong and Seung-Gi used to stand.

 (When I watch SH now, I cringe half the time because these two)

I knew both MCs had been replaced after the scandal with Kang Ho-Dong. And I also heard who they were going to be replaced with but I thought with the help of the original script-writers, the show itself wasn't going to suffer.

But, boy was I wrong.

The show is a much bleaker, awkward and sad shadow of what it used to be.

And I put all the blame on both MCs for this.

The reason for me blaming all of this on them, it's that the rest of the cast is pretty much the same, the old scriptwriters of the show are the same ones, the show has the same concept, the guest are in the same categories as the ones they invited before. But the show suck ass now, whereas before it used to make me laugh until I had tears in my eyes.

I'm actually quite appalled at how bad the MCs are.

I don't understand it though. Okay, Dong Wook is new to this whole MC thing, but Dong-Yeop is anything but new to it. He did a good job at EHB a couple of years ago, and he is recognized in the industry as one of the top MCs there are.

So why is he so bad here??

Many of his side-comments to the guests or to other cast members seem mean and out of place. Other people can make those kind of comments without sounding genuinely mean and hateful, and at the same time give out a good laugh to the public. But Dong Wook doesn't seem able to do this (At least not on SH)

As to DongWook, well let's just say that as an MC he is a good dancer~~~(Meaning he SUCKS, in case you don't get it)

(This is the funniest thing Dong Wook has done as an MC as
 of today. And it wasn't even that funny!)

He is such a sad excuse for an MC here I can't even feel pity for the poor guy.

And I don't care that this is his first time as an MC, if he accepted the position then he should have practiced for it until he was good enough instead of just accepting the offer and not adding anything to the show.

I'm not even an anti of  Lee Dong-Wook. Like I mentioned before I enjoyed LDW's acting and I've watched my girl with and I enjoyed a lot. But as an MC he really should have thought about it twice before accepting the position. Even though he is new to it he should know how to play along to seem more natural at it.

I mean, Seun-gi was new to it too and he acted like a pro from day one. In other words, if he (DW) didn't feel like he was prepared for it, why accept this position?

(Such a cutie :) I don't really like most of his dramas, 
but he was an exceptional MC)

The dynamics of SG/HD and the rest of the cast members was so fun to watch. It was like they all knew each other really well and took advantage of this to make the show funnier.

On the other hand, Dong-Wook and Dong-Yeop are so awkward with the rest of the cast members that is almost as if none of them knew each other outside the show. But I highly doubt none of them know each other, given that a lot of them have been in the industry for a while and the SK entertainment industry is not that huge.

Dong-Yeop has more experience so at least he talks during the show, but Dong-Wook just stands there and makes a forced comment that totally feels like he is just reading from his script.
He looks uncomfortable and out of place. Sometimes the cast has to move around to exaggerate show their reactions, but DW is the only one who stays in place, and when he walks out from behind his little podium, it just feel awkward and like he doesn't know when to walk back to his place. In conclusion, he is just awkward.

I don't know if DongWook and DongYeop knew each other from before or not, but if they did they sure know how to hide it, because there are so many uncomfortable silent moments coming from these pair.

I wonder who decided to go with Dong-Wook? Whoever it was he/she must be kicking him/herself in the behind (Who can blame him/her, I want to help with the butt kicking myself)

This show now is like a watching a game where your team is losing 100-0 and there are still 40 minutes of game time. You just want it to end because you can't bear watching it anymore.

I don't feel like I'm even exaggerating things. The show is just shit now.

I feel like both MCs don't even care about what the guests are saying in the show. It's almost like they are just waiting fot guests to be done with their stories, and then continue with the next thing on the script. Maybe, Kang Ho-Dong and Lee Seung-Gi also didn't care, but they sure knew how to pretend then. You always got the feeling that KD and SG were honestly interested in the guests stories. They had the best reactions, when the story was sad, KHD and LSG both offered comments at the end of the story to make the guest feel better and wrap up the segment in a more relaxed manner. I even remember KD crying to no end, when one female comedian shared the story about her dying dad. You could totally feel his sincerity.

I don't get that feeling at all from Lee Dong-Wook and Shin Dong-Yeop. They don't do their transitions from guest to guest in the right way.

I'm just not feeling it with either one of them in this show. I was completely open to embracing them and have good laughs with them as the new MCs, but they have left me more than disappointed. They are just ruining a show that used to be so good and which had an already settled fan base

I hope that either this show goes through some drastic changes in its format or just gets canceled all together

As I see things I don't think either MC will step down from his place. Maybe they are just in the delusion that they are actually good at it. Maybe no one from the cast or the crew is informing them that they are doing a horrible job and they are unable to see their own poor performances without having someone else point at it. So I if the MCs don't quit and the show keeps on going to route its been going, then we will to continue to watch the slow agonizing death of a once iconic SK show.

And that's all for venting. Off to do homework now -_-